Goldfish FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Goldfish.

Browse through the Goldfish FAQs page to find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

At the end of each answer you will find a link to a page that gives more detailed information relating to the question.

If you can't find what you are looking for, click on one of the links that takes you to the Question Submission form.

Q: How much food do I feed them?

Repashy gel food is ideal for Goldfish as it is moist so is easily chewed and swallowed.Repashy gel food ideal for Goldfish

A: Goldfish can't be overfed.  As long as food stays edible, Goldfish will continue to eat it until it is all gone.

The problem with most dry prepared foods found in pet shops is the uneaten food quickly dissolves and becomes inedible.  The food then decays polluting the water and creating poor water conditions, the number one cause of Goldfish deaths.

Many factors determine the amount of food to feed, these include:

  • Fish size (adult or fry)
  • Number of fish
  • Type of food (live, frozen or prepared)
  • Pond or aquarium
  • The season

Each setup is different, so the amount to feed needs to be worked out.

Measure out a small amount of food and feed it to your goldfish.  If it disappears in seconds, as it should, add the same amount again.  Repeat this until the fish start to lose interest.

More on Feeding Goldfish page…

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Q: How much room do Goldfish need?

A: Without any filtration, goldfish need approximately 24 square inches of surface area for each inch of fish. For ponds this figure needs to be doubled.

This measurement however doesn't determine the size of aquarium you need.  That is determined by how  you will maintain high water quality for your fish.

To learn more about aquarium size requirements go to the page on how much room Goldfish need.

Filters allow more goldfish to be kept, and are recommended.

Q: How big do goldfish grow?

A: The conditions goldfish are kept in plus their diet determine how large they will grow.

I have seen goldfish grow ridiculously large in very small containers when their water was changed frequently.  Goldfish will not grow if water conditions are poor.

Fancy goldfish don’t grow as large as Common goldfish.  A good size would be around 5 inches (13cm) body length for most fancy varieties, 8 inches (20cm) for Comets and 12 inches (30cm) for Common Goldfish.  These sizes are usually only attained by pond grown fish.

Q: How can I tell if my goldfish is sick?

A Goldfish with clamped fins is a sure sign of sickness.Clamped fins indicate sickness

A: A sick goldfish clamps its fins close to its body.  Other obvious signs are:

  • Little or no response to food at feeding time
  • Frequent jerky swimming motions and rubbing against objects in the aquarium
  • Loss of color or increase in body slime
  • Swimming in a vague listless manner
  • Long periods lying on the bottom or gasping at the surface
  • Faeces that are long or pale in color, or interspersed with air bubbles. 

More on Goldfish Diseases page…

Q: Why does my pond water still go green when I have a filter?

Green water is caused by suspended phytoplankton algae that can't be filtered out with normal pond or aquarium filters.

A UV sterilizer or clarifier can be used to remove the algae.

More on Goldfish Pond UV Sterilizers page...

Q: How long do goldfish live?

A: Goldfish kept in a bowl have the shortest lifespan, 5 years being exceptional.

If goldfish are kept outdoors in a pond, attain a good size and are fed the proper diet, 20 years is not uncommon.  In China goldfish 40+ years old have been recorded.

Goldfish kept inside in aquariums should live 10+ years.  If they are put outside in a pond for a few months during warmer weather, it seems to give them a boost.

Q: How many types of goldfish are there?

A: There are well over 100 different varieties of goldfish, with more appearing and others disappearing every year.  Excluding scale types, the number of well established varieties that have survived for decades and can be readily found in pet stores is 13-14. 

More on Goldfish Types page…

Q: How do I tell male from female?

A: The fish must be at least a year old, and in excellent health.  They must be fed high quality dry food but ideally live food.  Their water must be clean and the temperature somewhere above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 C).

Under these conditions goldfish will start to display characteristics of male and female.

Males will develop small raised white tubercles on their gill plates and the leading edges of their pectoral fins.

When viewed from above, females will look more rounded compared to the males.  This is more obvious in the slim single tailed varieties.  This can't be relied upon in the rounded body varieties.  Males can have plumper bodies than the female.

Fish kept outside in ponds tend to show male/female characteristics earlier than those kept indoors.

More on Goldfish Spawning Preparation page...

Q: What do I feed my goldfish fry?

A: If fry are expected to grow quickly and develop the special characteristics required for their variety, they must be fed live food as soon as they are free swimming.

One of the best and easiest to use for the first two weeks after becoming free swimming is brine shrimp

More on Feeding Goldfish Fry page…

Q: What do goldfish eat?

A: Goldfish are omnivorous meaning they eat vegetable and animal based foods, so a balanced diet containing both is essential.

Fancy varieties require a high proportion of live food in their diet otherwise they will develop intestinal problems leading to swimming imbalance. 

More on Feeding Goldfish page…

Q: What about holidays?

A: One of the biggest dangers to goldfish is the well-meaning neighbor or friend who is given the responsibility of feeding the fish while you are on holiday.

For periods of up to a week, especially in cooler weather or the fish are in a pond, they will be fine not being fed.

For longer periods, make up small packets of dry food for each day with strict instructions not to feed any more than the daily allowance.

Automatic feeders are also available but some tend to be a little random with the amount of food they dispense.

Q: Do my goldfish need a filter?

A: As long as goldfish have enough space, and their water is changed regularly, they don’t need a filter.

The advantage of having a filter is the greater number of fish that can be kept safety and less pool or aquarium maintenance.  It also provides a level of safety from overfeeding or something dying un-noticed. 

More on Aquarium Filters…

Q: Do my goldfish need a heater?

A: Goldfish are a warm water fish. They can live in tropical or cold water for short periods of time but prefer a temperature around 65oF. Unless you live in a very cold climate that has a prolonged period of cold weather (3 months under freezing), your goldfish don’t need a heater.

A heater is required if you intend to breed your fish as a sudden cold snap could prolong hatching which affects the health of the fry.

Q: What are the best varieties for beginners?

A: The best varieties for beginners are Comets, Shubunkins and Fantails.  Don’t keep the single tailed varieties with Fantails as they will get to the food first.

Q: Can I keep my goldfish in a bowl?

A:  Yes you can, as long as the bowl has 24 square inches of surface area for each inch of fish.

In reality, for most bowls, the fish have to be very small and they won’t grow much.

Bowls are hard to filter and decorate, you are better off with a proper aquarium.

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What Other Visitors Have Asked

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Black Moor/Calico Telescope Eyed Goldfish 
Around a month ago my goldfish bred, and I found your website (which has been so helpful, thank you!!) but need advice on temperature for color change …

Mixing Aquarium Salt and Epsom Salt in Hospital Tank 
Hi, I wanted to know if I can mix Aquarium Salt and Epsom Salt for my hospital tank? I have a 7.5 gallons cube hospital tank currently, and I'm …

Goldfish Biting Each Other 
I have several adult goldfish together. They’ve always all gotten along fine. One fancy goldfish grow humps on his back and another common goldfish which …

Moving Old Goldfish Into Our Pond. 
Hi Grant, Apologies in advance, you have answered similar questions on here, but I'm still nervous about moving my goldfish into our pond. We've had …

3 Goldfish in 70 Gallon Tank 
We have had three goldfish for about 4 years. One is a beautiful black moor and the other two are fantail ryukin types. They are all healthy and the …

Black Moor is sick! Help! 
Hi. My black moor has a white substance all over him. I cant seem to be able to properly diagnose what it is and how to treat it. He started out getting …

Goldfish Died After Pond Overfilled 
We had about 20 goldfish in our water feature. They were all ages and sizes. We overfilled the pond and they all died (in the pond). What caused them …

Thyroid Tumor in Goldfish - Treatment 
I have a gold fish that seems to have a thyroid tumor. It is rear of its right gill. It is more swollen then it is a lump. Today I have noticed what …

Goldfish Readied for Winter Outside  
What all needs to be done to winterize my goldfish pond and keep my two full grown, 12"+ comet goldfish safe until spring? Also, do you recommend covering …

Goldfish Issues 
My son has had these two carnival goldfish for quite some time. Twice now in the past few months I noticed he had swim bladder disorder in the white Gold …

Missing Goldfish 
Put 5 goldfish in my new garden pond 3 days ago and haven't seen them again. Pond and filter been set up for 3weeks. Grant's Reply Hi Tom …

Goldfish Suddenly Dies 

Goldfish Rescue 
Hi, A friend of mine has just bought a new house that came with an old sink in the garden with a lone fish in it which the previous occupants have left! …

Goldfish Pet Store Lifespan 
How long do goldfish live in pet stores? If no one buys them, do they die? Grant's Reply Hi Generally, conditions in pet store aquariums …

How Big do Goldfish Fry Have to be in Order to go in to the Tank with the Adults?  
I have goldfish fry that are still small but close to a year old and would like to know how big they have to be in order to go back into the tank with …

Goldfish Hiding 
Hi I have an outdoor fish pond for about 25 years. The pond is 3,000 gallons. I have about 50 gold fish. The max depth of the pond is 3 feet. My …

Transporting Goldfish From One Pond to Another 
I have to give up my pond, so I have to re-home my goldfish - they range in size from 1.5 to 5 inches. They can travel in plastic bags (put in a box) …

Possible Gravel in Stomach. 
Can a goldfish swallow a piece of gravel? I have gotten a piece that was stuck in the mouth. So big that it was wedged in good. Grant's Reply …

I gave my goldfish a Epson salt bath for a half an hour two days ago I put him in a separate tank but no results as of yet and it's the third day Can …

Sick Goldfish Help! 
Hi folks first of all let me say what a great site this is it's my go to place for info. In early November I built a pond 440 gal plus observation …

Is My Goldfish Being Bullied? 
Hi. So a few months ago I decided to get a normal goldfish (bastion) and he was quite happy and energetic. I put him in a 60 litre tank but he looked …

Algae on aquarium walls  
No matter how often we clean our aquarium it seems to become discoloured with an algae build up around the bottom walls. We have a 38ltr aqua one tank, …

Water Changes in Pond Fish 
I keep reading you should change out water but is that needed in a outdoor pond? (1000 gal) Grant's Reply Hi Lorraine This is a very good …

Putting Feeder Goldfish in Outdoor Pond 
Put some feeder fish in my outdoor pond about four days ago and haven't seen any of them. The pond is covered with netting but the temperature was and …

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When to Transfer a Goldfish to a Pond 
How large must a goldfish be before you can transfer it to a pond? Grant's Reply Hi Kate Size is probably the last thing that needs to be …

Is This Normal For a Matt Scaled Fish or Not? 
I've been panicked over my big pink goldfish's red gills (I don't know gender, named moon). I've been doing zealous water changes, checked my water …

Very Old Fantail Goldfish 
How to know if fantail goldfish is slowing down/dying from old age. What happens when fish are aging or in last year/month/days of age related death. …

Epsom Salt Treatment 
I have seen on the Internet information of owners using in tank or time limited once or twice daily baths or "dips" in water treated with Epsom salts to …

Young Changing Colour From Black to Gold 
We have a reasonable number of gold fish in our garden pond. This is about 6 ft by 4 ft. and 2.5 ft deep in the middle. It is about 15 years old. We have …

All of a sudden, we have baby fish! Goldfish? Koi? What next? 
We have a large pond, 2 sections, upper smaller pond - about 2 feet deep and 5x5 feet in size, in full sun, the lower pond, 1-4 feet deep and about 20 …

Is my goldfish spawning or sick? 
Hi. I have one lone goldfish, about 6 inches in length. It's always been rounded in shape, but lately seems really bloated. For the last few days, it …

Pond Water pH and Quality Concerns 
I moved back home with my mother relatively recently and started taking over maintenance of the fish pond. Anyway, for the last month and a half, the …

Pond Goldfish Colour and Breeding 
Long story short, we've had a pond and goldfish in our garden for the last fifteen years. We've moved twice in that time and either took some or all of …

New Fish In Outdoor Pond 
Yesterday I put 4 goldfish in my new garden pond. I kept them in the plastic bag in the pond water to get them used to the water and then released them …

Releasing To a Pond 
Have an acre or better pond--just has frogs in it so far--we try to eliminate the snapping turtles as soon as we see them. I have 5 goldfish--all over …

Too Much Sunlight 
I have a small preformed goldfish pond (185 gals). It has been shaded by dogwood trees for about twenty years. The trees were removed this spring. …

Goldfish Not Feeding 
I have recently put several varieties of Goldfish into my Garden Pond, they are swimming around as though they are looking for food, but they will not …

Fish In Goldfish Pond Year Round 
Can my goldfish be left in my pond year round, I live in Alberta Canada? Grant's Reply Hi Fran This is a well timed question with your weather …

When To Release Fry Into My Pond 
My goldfish fry are in a tank and are four weeks old now. When should i release them to my pond, they are about an inch long. Grant's Reply …

Gold fish From Tanks To Outdoor Ponds 
I have 2 tanks each with 2 goldfish. All the goldfish have grown to a size where the tanks are not big enough......we do not have the space to buy bigger …

Goldfish Full Of Eggs In The Fall 
I have goldfish and Koi in my 1000 gal pond. This is the second year that I have had female goldfish that are full of eggs and not spawn in the spring …

Goldfish Spawning 
I have a large goldfish that spawned approximately 2 months ago however out of a large spawn only 30 hatched. a. Can this fish spawn again this year? …

Goldfish Bowl vs Aquarium 
My 5 yr old goldfish has grown too big for his bowl. Would it be better to put him in a 10 gallon unfiltered tank that I will continue to change the water …

Goldfish Fry Colour Change 
I have a number of fry in my pond. Can I expect them all to live and when do they change colour from black to golden? I have five adults. The fry are about …

Putting goldfish fry in the pond -- size or age parameters? 
I am raising some of my Goldfish fry inside. At what point is it best (safest for the continued survival of the babies) to add them back into the pond? …

Mixing Pond Goldfish With Aquarium Goldfish 
Can I put my pond goldfish in my indoor aquarium with other goldfish? They are breeding too fast in my pond and there is a beautiful white one I want …

Urgent!!! Goldfish Fry Food 
My goldfish recently surprised me with a batch of eggs and I am completely unprepared. The only thing I can get my hands on is Micro worms. Will these …

Breeding: How to Differ Matt and Calico? Not rated yet
I have a question that has been bothering me for quite a while now: What is the difference between a matt (Sakura) and a nacreous (Calico) fish? I know …

How to Get the Little Goldfish Through Winter? Not rated yet
Hello, I have a question about overwintering my goldfish. Specifically, it's about the offspring born this summer. In the past, we have always overwintered …

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New Goldfish for Older One Not rated yet
Hello We used to have two goldfish which got on great with each other, but sadly one of them died and the other seemed to just stay on the bottle of …

Pond Deaths Not rated yet
Sadly, I have found 4 dead fish in my pond. None show similarities in terms of appearance. Can I upload an image to see if anyone can help me find the …

Moving a large quantity (150-200) of goldfish to a new pond Not rated yet
Are there any firms that will do this for me ? if i have to do it myself i need instructions on how to do this safely. Grant's Reply Hi Linda …

Goldfish Help Not rated yet
Hi! I have 2 gold fish and when I returned home one had got stuck in the little castle ornament in the tank. I managed to get it out, but it had obviously …

Moving House With Goldfish Not rated yet
I have a small pond with approx 15 goldfish, the two biggest about 5 inches long. The pond has a pump and filter and plenty of plants. We are soon to …

Do Different Koi Spawn at Different Times of Year? Not rated yet
Hello, My koi spawned in early June and we have been keeping an eye watching the fry grow for the last month as they have now grown to about 1 inch …

Shubunkin Breeding Advice for Colour and Tail Length Not rated yet
Hi there first time posting, I’ve had shubunkins gold comets and comets in my outside pond now for 3 years, each year they have spawned naturally and I …

Goldfish Change of Behaviour Not rated yet
For the previous few years our goldfish in our pond surfaced around the same time each day and waited to be fed. During the summer the goldfish suddenly …

Feeding by Weight Not rated yet
I saw on the internet, a while ago, a chart that showed how much food (in grams) a fish should be fed, by its own weight/length. I now can’t find the chart. …

Goldfish Fry Sustainable Hide Outs Not rated yet
Can I put some clear glass small necked bottle that lay on the bottom and clear plastic btls that float on the surface and half fill with water in a large …

Pond Goldfish 'Gasping' at Dawn and Dusk? Not rated yet
We have a raised pond and last year the three original goldfish had lots of babies, about 50 survived the winter. At dawn and dusk they all come to …

Pond Water Change  Not rated yet
Hi I'm a subscriber to your gazette. I have gold fish in plastic tubs made from water tank material. Water filters to a sump reservoir. Water is getting …

White Fantail Goldfish Died: Why the Dark Abdomen? Not rated yet
Intro: This morning I found my parents' white fantail goldfish dead in her tank. The first thing I noticed was that her belly looked dark -- but it's not …

Temperature to Introduce Fish to Outside Pond Not rated yet
At what temperature should my outside pond be to move my goldfish outdoors? Grant's Reply Hi Laurie This is a good question, especially for …

Feeding in a Pond Not rated yet
Our goldfish thrive and breed in our pond without us feeding them. Nature provides the food from the trees, plants, insects etc. around. Why do your …

Goldfish Slow Growth Not rated yet
I have had the same goldfish for ten years, and he was already fully grown when I got him. He was very shortly in a small aquarium but has been most of …

Relocating Goldfish to New Pond Not rated yet
Hi, I am looking for advice: I have to relocate my 4 x4 inch goldfish to a new pond. So my questions are: How do I prepare the new pond? Can I use …

Male Goldfish Living Alone  Not rated yet
Is it OK for two male Gold fish to live in a home aquarium without a female? How will he be able to release milt without a female around? Will it …

Goldfish Smaller than Companion & Not Responding to Finrot Treatment  Not rated yet
I have two feeder goldfish. They were purchased at the same time about a year and a half ago. They are currently in a 10 gallon tank with a 20 gallon filter. …

3 Questions - Goldfish fry & newt tadpoles in same tank, when to release them & water changes? Not rated yet
Hello!, and thank you for any advice you can give me. It’s been really exciting and fascinating to try to raise goldfish fry we love watching them developing …

Goldfish in a Pond That Needs Fixing Not rated yet
We need to take our large goldfish out of our pond so the pond can be fixed due to a leak. Where do we keep them and do we need plants etc in a plastic …

Large Old Goldfish Not rated yet
Hi there, our old goldfish who lives in our pond alone now, continues to grow, however in warm weather he sits at the top of the water, almost as if he’s …

Water Changes For My Goldfish Aquarium Not rated yet
I have two 4.5 inch fancy fantail goldfish in a new 75 gallon bare bottom aquarium. I want to keep the tank as clean as possible and my goal is for these …

Rehoming Not rated yet
We obtained a goldfish when buying our house, we do not have a confirmed age but this fish is at least 20 years old! It lives in a pond that was built …

Goldfish Illness and Treatment Help Not rated yet
Hi guys, We have a lovely tank full of lovely goldfish! However recently we’ve been having a few problems and for me it’s hard to pin point exactly …

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Goldfish Getting Black Lines and Dots Not rated yet
Hello, I got an aquarium set up 2 weeks ago. It is 36 gallons and has 3 small goldfish with a filter for a 40 gallon tank, an oxygen pump, 3 real plants, …

Algae On Snails Not rated yet
Hi - I have 2 small snails that live very harmoniously with my goldfish. However, this year they are covered in algae. How do I remove it from them as …

Goldfish Running Into Things. Not rated yet
Hi can you help me with my fish, he`s been bumping into things and not swimming correctly. It started this morning. Grant's Reply Hi Jennifer …

Round Goldfish Belly Not rated yet
Hi, Over the past 3-weeks we’ve watched one of our goldfish become ‘fat’ in the abdomen area. It’s very round and tonight it’s belly is looking like the …

Goldfish in an Outdoor Pond Not rated yet
Feeding pond fish: When we moved to our house there was a small pond and there were gold fish in it (sellers didn't tell us). The pond was in the …

Not Sure What Happened Not rated yet
I have a 75 gallon aquarium that I have had up and running for over 2 years. I check the water every couple days, ph ,ammonia levels. Partial water changes, …

Goldfish Lost Their Minds Not rated yet
I am having trouble with goldfish not eating fish food...I have gone 4 days with out feeding them...I give them fish food and they won't even attempt to …

Gasping Behavior Not rated yet
Why does my goldfish keep swallowing air from the top of the water? Grant's Reply Hi Kurst Several things cause this type of behavior. …

Returning Goldfish to Pond Not rated yet
I have a 6" pond goldfish who developed clouding of the eyes. She did not improve with pond treatment so was brought indoors to a hospital tank. I've …

What Size External Filter Do I Need? Not rated yet
I have a 130 litre tank and two goldfish, one is almost the size of my palm and the other a bit smaller. I brought a new tank and it has been running for …

"Pregnant" female Not rated yet
How long will the female keep her eggs until she releases them? In e last 3 weeks, I have noticed one of my female is huge,she has been eating and swimming …

Goldfish Age Not rated yet
What age are goldfish when sold at about 3inchs long? Grant's Reply Hi Pat When giving a Goldfish's size, you need to quantify it a little …

Pond Fish Not rated yet
Dear Sir or Madam I am hoping you can give me the benefit of your wisdom please as I have searched the Internet but cannot find a satisfactory explanation. …

Direct Sunlight From A Low Sun Not rated yet
Dear About-Goldfish, I have, for some time now, a couple of goldfish. They are healthy and active. However. Since I moved the location of the aquarium …

Sea Stones Not rated yet
Hi, can I put stones off the beach in a goldfish bowl if they've been sterilised? What about quartz cristals are they ok for goldfish? Harmony …

Does My Goldfish Have a Parasite? Not rated yet
Hello. My goldfish is 12 years old and last week I changed half the water in the tank after a clean out. I didn't put enough water treatment in the …

How Old Are My Goldfish Fry? Not rated yet
I have just noticed some small goldfish fry in our outdoor pond. They are about 1.5cm long. How old would they be? And how big do they need to be …

Aquarium Substrate  Not rated yet
What is the best substrate for goldfish. Some places say sand is good, others say it is bad. Some say small stones, others say big stones. I am not …

Food Type Not rated yet
Does It Matter If I Don't Give It Goldfish Food As long It Is Fish Food? Grant's Reply Hi Jeremy Goldfish being omnivorous, they will eat …

Habits Of Space Not rated yet
If a Goldfish is used to a certain area in which to move and live, does it stay within that space and not recognise that it has a larger area in which …

Frozen Brine Shrimp Not rated yet
Hi, Can I feed goldfish fry on frozen brine shrimp or do they have to be live? Grant's Reply Hi Dave The only frozen brine shrimp I have …

Pond Goldfish Problem Not rated yet
Only recently discovered baby goldfish in pond this past week have found 1/2 dead each day. Managed to rescue 1 which was initially thought to be …

Goldfish Have Disappeared! Not rated yet
I have had 3 goldfish in my small garden pond for about 7 years. The pond has a well balanced ecosystem, with marginals and pond plants, including water …

Pet Store Goldfish Growth Not rated yet
Will goldfish from pet stores grow bigger, like 8 inches? Grant's Reply Hi Joshua Before answering the question, let's clarify what measurement …

Goldfish Pond  Not rated yet
I have had my goldfish last year that I kept in an outside pond. When fall hit I moved them inside in a tank. I put them back out at the end of May …

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Goldfish Disease Not rated yet
My fish has this cotton like growth on his mouth. When I went to the pet store and explained I was sold a packet of tablets that turned the water green. …

Sudden Disappearance of Goldfish Not rated yet
Our goldfish always happily swimming around and readily come to the surface edge to be greeted daily. We've had the growing family going on 14 years. …

Moving a Goldfish To a Lake Not rated yet
Hi, I have a small prefab outdoor pond that one of the four goldfish in that pond has outgrown. He is 10" long & quite fat. The pond is only a couple …

Sick Goldfish? Not rated yet
Dear Sir/Madam, I was just wondering if you could help me please. We have had 4 goldfish (3 fan tails) for about a month now, and for the last two …

Goldfish Growth Differences Not rated yet
I have three goldfish in a 250 gallon tank. It's huge two of my goldfish are almost ten inches but the third one doesn't seem to be growing. I've had …

New Aquarium Not rated yet
We have a new 10 gallon aquarium. Every pet store in town says that is not big enough. We only have 1 goldfish and she would like to get at least 2 …

Gold fish and Other Fish Not rated yet
Do I need to have a heater in my fish tank? I have gold fish and some other fish which the store said you can mix. Grant's Reply Hi April …

Goldfish Companions Not rated yet
My goldfish has been in a tank on his own for 3 years now, would he be happier in a huge tank with lots of other goldfish? I'm thinking of giving him …

Goldfish Growth Not rated yet
How much time does it takes for a gold fish to become an adult? Grant's Reply Hi Jonathan This question is actually quite an important one. …

Goldfish Pond Additions Not rated yet
I have a goldfish pond with 3 very healthy fish. Is it OK to add young gold fish to the pond as there is plenty of room for at least 6/9 more? …

2/3 of my Goldfish are hurt, what's going on? Not rated yet
2/3 of my goldfish have some of their tails missing. The one who doesn't is constantly on the bottom of the fish tank. What's going on with my goldfish? …

Goldfish Pond Filter Not rated yet
Hello, I'm doing research on a 250 gallon indoor goldfish pond set up and had a question about what filter to purchase. I am trying to decide between …

Planted Tank For Goldfish  Not rated yet
Can Goldfish be kept in a planted aquarium? What type of plants will help goldfish grow fast? Grant's Reply Hi Anand Yes goldfish can …

Added Fish To Uncycled Tank Not rated yet
Hi, I added x2 small goldfish to an uncycled tank. I didn't know about cycling or anything. Anyhow what do I do now? Tank is 16 litres, has Aqua …

Ammonia Problem I Think Not rated yet
One of the fish turned black on its fins and tail. We corrected the problem and I think the fish is a little more frisky but the other fish in the tank, …

Aquarium Water Clarity Not rated yet
What do I need to do to clear the water up in the aquarium? It is slightly hazy. Grant's Reply Hi Tony Hazy water is very frustrating when …

Goldfish Out Of Pond Not rated yet
I found my goldfish out of the pond. It was still alive so I put it back in. I need to know how to care for it. It is about 5 years old and 10 inches …

BIG Pond Not rated yet
Hi, I have a 135x65 feet pond 20 feet deep in the center. I released 30ish goldfish with 2 of them being 8 inches long and full of babies... So …

Just Wondering About Fry Food? Not rated yet
If I have been hatching decapsulated brine shrimp eggs is this just a waste of time, I mean can goldfish fry just eat the un-hatched, un-shelled eggs? …

Rain Water For Goldfish Not rated yet
Can I keep Goldfish in rain water directly collected in a bucket? (from sky) Grant's Reply Hi Aameer In a word...No. Rainwater is very …

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