Gold fish From Tanks To Outdoor Ponds

I have 2 tanks each with 2 goldfish.

All the goldfish have grown to a size where the tanks are not big enough......we do not have the space to buy bigger tanks.

Is it possible to put them in a pond outside or would this mean certain death (which obviously is something I want to avoid)?
Many thanks

Grant's Reply


If your Goldfish have outgrown their aquarium, you must be giving them exceptional care...well done!

Many Goldfish keepers have heard the myth that Goldfish grow to the size of their container. This simply isn't true.

Moving Goldfish outside periodically is something I recommend as the sunlight seems to give their health and color a boost.

Before moving fish outside there are a few points to consider:

Time of year. The best time is during the warmer months. Goldfish kept indoors are usually at a higher average water temperature than outside, so don't hibernate or at least slow down during winter.

If you put fish out during winter, it will be a shock to their system to go from active to hibernation mode overnight. They won't have built up any fat to take them through the winter months so come spring they will be in poor condition and many fish die at this time of year.

You didn't mention if you have a pond already, so I am assuming you haven't.

Read my pages on Goldfish Ponds if you are planning on getting one. Like real-estate, location is everything!

One last point, you didn't mention what variety of Goldfish you have.

If they are a single tail variety, they will thrive in a pond. Some of the fancier varieties aren't as hardy and if you live in an area that experiences severe winter temperatures, consider bringing the fish indoors during the coldest months.

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Feb 22, 2024
Can I make a large plant pot into a goldfish pond
by: Grant

You can, but you didn't mention what the large flower pot was made of, plastic, concrete, clay or glazed ceramic.
If the pot is plastic there should be no problems.
If the pot is concrete and not well weathered, the cement in the concrete will make the water very alkaline. You would need to fill the pot up and let it stand for a week or two then test the pH of the water. It would need to be around 7.00 to 8.00, no higher.
If the pot is clay, the same test needs to be done. Clay pots are often slightly porous.
If the pot is glazed I would let it stand for a few weeks, test the pH, and if it is in the right range test the water with an aquatic animal such as daphnia to check the glaze isn't toxic.
A good indication of how safe the pot is, is if algae starts to grow on the inside surfaces.

Feb 21, 2024
Can I make a large plant pot into a goldfish pond
by: Anonymous

Hi just wanted to ask is it possible to make a very large plant pot into a goldfish pond. If I add water plants and rocks, gravel will this be sufficient?

Sep 10, 2022
Gold fish
by: Anonymous

I just came to see if I can do a pond for goldfish my kids won at a fair? He is getting big and to big for the small tank we have for him idk what else to do. I usually use tap water and I let it sit for a day in a bucket near his tank and I always add the water softener. I'm shocked he has survived over 3 months now I never had a fair fish last this long lol. Although he does have a filter so that's probably why. Mine growing up were thrown into a glass water bowl and fed bread didn't last Long lol. Good thing I know no fish will last that way now as an adult but now I'm stuck with another fish (already have a betta) I actually stole the bettas filter for the goldfish because I know bettas can live without one even tho they should have moving water anyway ugh. I do have another filter it's just a weird one and idk howbto hook it up. Anyway can I stick goldfish in a little hand made pind? What exactly would I need?I will wait til it gets warmer out again tho because it's about to get cold.

May 28, 2021
3outdoor goldfish/ 2 indoor fancies
by: Anonymous

I bought 5 goldfish last year for my small pond. 3 were tiny feeder goldfish and 2 were fancy. I didn’t know they were fancy, they were staring at me so I bought them. 🤷‍♀️ All thrived in pond. Then I found out I couldn’t leave fancy’s in pond in winter, so I brought them in. The girl, who was solid gold turned white. The boy who is black and was shy in pond became a food hog and grew twice the girls size in girth chasing her away from food. In the pond he was last to come up to eat and the girl always met me at feeding time. I did a tele appoint w a fish vet and she said they needed a much bigger tank ( I had them in a 20 gallon). I really wanted to put them back outside this spring/summer but I’m worried the 3 pond fish will pick on them. One of pond fishes constantly chases one of his pond mates. My vet suggested just putting the boy out because I’m worried the girl is too delicate, but the fish are devoted to each other. They sleep side by side touching. In first tank , the boy, teddy got too fat to fit in their house so he slept right outside the door w his head poking in. So I can’t see separating them. I push him away from guilda at feeding time if I catch him stomach bumping her away from food. Thoughts? I really didn’t want an indoor aquarium but now I’m responsible to make sure they all have a good life. And what can I do about the pond fish who constantly chases one of the other ones? Thank you

Apr 28, 2021
Inside to outside home pond
by: Anonymous

It is now April 28th and I am not an expert on my goldfish these are 2 large tanks in my great grandparents house we have a small man made pond from Menards we put in years ago ik how to transfer them to the pond they survive pretty well I'm in Wisconsin right next to Lake Michigan I need help figuring out the best days cong up that my fish won't die if all of a sudden the temperature drops sincerely I'm 23 and have over 60 goldfish...

Sep 07, 2020
Tank to Mini Pond
by: Grant

Goldfish do respond to exposure to natural light with deeper colors and increased vitality.

I personally wouldn't move fish between an outdoor pond and indoor aquarium on a daily basis.

If you did, you would need to ensure the pH, nitrate levels and water temperatures in both environments were exactly the same to avoid shocking the fish.

Goldfish are creatures of habit, and usually take a few days to become accustomed to any new environment.

I would certainly consider putting them outside for the summer months, but check that the pond isn't toxic and there is enough shade to avoid the water over-heating.

Sep 05, 2020
tank to mini pond
by: Anonymous

hi, I have two young fancy goldfish. I have a mini play pond outside, is it okay to put them in there for a 'day outing' in the summer months and then put them back in their indoor tank?

Apr 06, 2020
by: 🌀🌀

I have found the key to goldfish staying alive is limit feeding. I have two goldfish 1 is 6 years old and other is 3 I move to pond outside during summer and bring them inside during winter . I feed during winter 1 small tsp Monday and Thursday sometimes even less then that. During summer I feed even less because they nibble on algae or if a fly falls in water. The 6 year old fish actually jump out of water to try and catch a fly if one happens to find its way inside during winter months

Apr 20, 2019
Transfer Back to Pond
by: Grant


The pond temperature should be above 50F (10C) as a minimum in the morning.

The biggest factor is the difference between what temperature they are now, and what the morning temperature is in the pond.

If they are at say 60F inside, and the morning pond temperature is 45F, that is too big a difference, and they will go into hibernation.

You want morning pond temperatures to be above 50F, and the difference between their current morning temperature inside to be no more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

Apr 20, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have goldfish that I transfered from my garden pond to a aquarium inside for the winter. I'm planning to put them back in my pond. What should the water temperature be to safely put them back in my pond?

Apr 14, 2019
Goldfish needs pond
by: Anonymous

Hi I have a single tail 20 year old goldfish who is too big for his 50 litre tank. I really want to release him to a pond. Can anyone help with a home for him? I live inBournemouth?

Nov 19, 2018
My Fish Keeps Growing
by: Grant

I wish all my queries were like yours. You have managed to keep a Goldfish healthy for a decade, so you are obviously doing something right.
I wouldn't release him into the pond because of natural enemies that would love his bright colors. He isn't accustomed to avoiding whatever wildlife you have in the vicinity.
Consider selling him to either a local pet shop, or on the Internet using something like ebay, or social media like Facebook.

Nov 18, 2018
My fish keeps growing
by: Goldfish mom

I am struggling with deciding on what to do with my goldfish. He is almost 10 years old and I have a medium sized tank mainly because I don’t have space for a larger one and health reasons I just can’t clesn a big tank. We have a large pond on our property and hubby keeps saying I should let him loose. I almost feel like what if he dies right away but then I feel bad because he’s outlasted the fish that we put in with him years ago and now he’s just too big to add more fish to the tank. I don’t put any chemicals at all in his water his tank is straight well water from the sink. I honestly am shocked he’s lasted this long.

Jan 29, 2018
by: Anonymouscarol

Hi, having read comments on moving fish from inside to outside pond, I have 3 beautiful fish, one like Cleo from Pinocchio. They were too big for my daughters tank, now mine, they’re about 4 years old,4 inches long, I live on Portland Dorset. Can anyone offer them a bigger home together please. Contact.

Nov 08, 2017
save your pond from freezing
by: Anonymous

Goldfish kept indoors are usually at a higher average water temperature than outside, so don't hibernate or at least slow down during winter. If you want to save your pond from freezing than applying Pondpro2000.

May 07, 2017
Follow Up to Transferring From Distilled Water to Outdoor Pond
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response. Just to clarify, our goldfish has lived in entirely distilled water for about 6 years. I had no idea about the salt issue, so thanks for your information on that.

This is the bottom line... We realized that our goldfish was stressing out, not due to our adding small amounts of pond water to his tank, but because we had turned his filter off! We think that he was not getting enough oxygen. Once the filter was turned on he (Jepetto) got his voracious appetite back and resumed his spunky, little personality. It's May now. We are hoping to release him into the pond possibly in June, where he will join hundreds of other goldfish and be given the opportunity to eat live food in addition to goldfish food, and possibly find a girlfriend. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. We really appreciate it.

May 07, 2017
Distilled Water Tank to Outdoor Pond
by: Grant


When you describe the water your Goldfish is in as distilled, therefore having no chemical elements in it whatsoever, I'm a little surprised. Goldfish can't live in distilled water because the salts in their bodies would leach out.
This is why adding some un-iodized salt to their water when they are sick helps them recover faster because it brings the water salinity closer to their internal salinity.
To answer your question, I suspect the water chemical makeup is very different from the outdoor pond water. Your fish is exhibiting symptoms of pH shock.
First, test your water pH (should be 7.0-7.6), nitrate levels (below 50ppm) and ammonia levels (it should be zero). One result will be very different from the other. After correcting the water conditions that are poor, the fish can be acclimatized to new water conditions by adding a little to its tank over several hours.

May 05, 2017
From Distilled Water Tank to Outdoor Pond
by: Anonymous

We obtained our goldfish about 6 years ago, as a result of it being the only goldfish that survived being subjected to numerous chemicals in a science class. It has lived in distilled water ever since and has thrived. We would like to transfer the goldfish to an existing pond that has many goldfish living in it. The problem is that when I include a small amount of pond water into his tank, his appetite diminishes and he mouth exhibits gaping behavior. Is it possible to transfer this fella or are we going to kill him by doing so?

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