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Pond Deaths

Sadly, I have found 4 dead fish in my pond. None show similarities in terms of appearance. Can I upload an image to see if anyone can help me find the

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Moving a large quantity (150-200) of goldfish to a new pond

Are there any firms that will do this for me ? if i have to do it myself i need instructions on how to do this safely. Grant's Reply Hi Linda I don’t

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Goldfish Help

Hi! I have 2 gold fish and when I returned home one had got stuck in the little castle ornament in the tank. I managed to get it out, but it had obviously

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Moving House With Goldfish

I have a small pond with approx 15 goldfish, the two biggest about 5 inches long. The pond has a pump and filter and plenty of plants. We are soon to

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Do Different Koi Spawn at Different Times of Year?

New 1/4" fry

Hello, My koi spawned in early June and we have been keeping an eye watching the fry grow for the last month as they have now grown to about 1 inch in

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Goldfish Pond Construction

Whichever goldfish pond construction method you use, there are advantages and disadvantages with each material.

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Fiberglass Goldfish Ponds

Fiberglass goldfish ponds can range from 50-100 gallons right up to the size of swimming pools. A second hand swimming pool would make an ideal pond.

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The Common Goldfish - The First Goldfish Variety To Be Developed

The common goldfish was the first departure from the wild carp ancestor that led to all the hundreds of varieties that exist today.

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Aquarium Cleaning Made Easy

Aquarium cleaning should take 30 minutes every two weeks. Learn how the professionals do it in 18 easy steps.

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Veiltail Goldfish


The Veiltail goldfish is considered the premier goldfish in Western countries, originating from the Philadelphia area about the turn of the 20th century.

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