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The Ranchu Goldfish's raspberry like growth on its head is caused by an abnormal growth of cuticular tissue and is called a hood. Ranchu are not Lionheads.
Continue reading "Ranchu Goldfish Care Guide-Feeding, Diseases, Breeding "
Around a month ago my goldfish bred, and I found your website (which has been so helpful, thank you!!) but need advice on temperature for color change
Continue reading "Black Moor/Calico Telescope Eyed Goldfish"
I have a question that has been bothering me for quite a while now: What is the difference between a matt (Sakura) and a nacreous (Calico) fish? I know
Goldfish keeping isn't hard. Learn about the feeding, breeding, disease treatments, aquarium design, filter options suitable for Goldfish all discussed here.
Continue reading "All About Goldfish Keeping |Learn About Care, Breeding and Diseases"
How long do Goldfish live depends largely on how they are cared for, both as fry (babies) and adults.
Continue reading "How Long Do Goldfish Live? 10 Years Should Be Considered A Minimum"
There are over 100 known goldfish types. Each variety is distinguished by one or more physical attributes such as body shape, finnage or eye development.
Hello, I have a question about overwintering my goldfish. Specifically, it's about the offspring born this summer. In the past, we have always overwintered
Continue reading "How to Get the Little Goldfish Through Winter?"
Hello We used to have two goldfish which got on great with each other, but sadly one of them died and the other seemed to just stay on the bottle of the
Sadly, I have found 4 dead fish in my pond. None show similarities in terms of appearance. Can I upload an image to see if anyone can help me find the
Are there any firms that will do this for me ? if i have to do it myself i need instructions on how to do this safely. Grant's Reply Hi Linda I don’t
Continue reading "Moving a large quantity (150-200) of goldfish to a new pond"