Goldfish Hiding

by Mike
(Long Island, NY)

Hi I have an outdoor fish pond for about 25 years. The pond is 3,000 gallons. I have about 50 gold fish. The max depth of the pond is 3 feet.

My fish were spawning last week like they do every year chasing each other for about a week. Now I noticed this week they are hiding and not swimming at all. This has been going on for about 6 days now. Are they resting?

I tested my water which is good. I even had it tested a second time at a pond shop and tested excellent. Why are they hiding. I know a few weeks ago a Blue Heron was around and got 2 of my fish but the fish hid after that for about 4 days then started to spawn now they are hiding again. I have not seen the Heron return either.

Does anyone know what is happening. Are they resting after Spawning for a week? Thanks

Grant's Reply

Hi Mike

Your fish aren't resting after spawning. Maybe for a day, but not a week.

There are two possibilities, something is spooking you fish, or, the heron has cleaned them out.

I have found herons to be extremely adept at cleaning out ponds.

I suspect the heron has made a few other visits and taken a few more. These repeat visits would change the behavior of the fish making them more reclusive.

Now a heron has found an easy meal source, you may have to bite the bullet and put a cover over the pond.

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Jun 12, 2018
Fish Hiding
by: Grant

Hi Mike

Heavy vibrations would absolutely cause your fish to go into hiding, especially if it was at irregular times and only during the day. If it goes on for any length of time they will get used to it.

Jun 10, 2018
Fish hiding
by: Mike

I put fishing line back and forth across the pond the first time after the Heron got two of my fish. I also have security cameras which runs day and night 7 days a week. The Heron never returned. I checked the security camera footage. I seen some of the fish hiding still at the bottom under the rocks. I cannot figure why it has been 6 days so far hiding. The only thing I can think of they are doing construction work about 500 feet down by the beach. There putting in a new bulk head and driving steel into the ground which is shaking the ground I do not know if that would do it. Do you think the noise and the ground vibration could make them hide.

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